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Inköp med faktura eller EDI

skillnaden mellan inköp med faktura och EDI, utgiftrapport, artikelrapport

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Purchasing with Supplier invoice in Fieldly

  • attachment (pdf) comes with supplier invoice

  • If integration with Fortnox/Visma invoice is approved and bookkept with account number before being imported to Fieldly twice a day (05.00 & 14.00)

  • If there is a project number on invoice it connects automatically to corresponding WI in Fieldly

    • expense report is created with predefined markup (or discount)

    • status on invoice is displayed as connected

  • If project number is missing connection to WI has to be done manually

    • expense report is created with predefined markup (or discount)

  • All prices are imported excluding VAT

Purchasing with EDI
(=order confirmation in Fieldly)

  • attachment (pdf) does not comes with supplier invoice (EDI-suppliers do not send pdf with the order confirmation)

  • After order, the supplier sends order confirmation(EDI)

  • Fieldly imports order conformation every hour

  • If there is a project number on invoice it connects automatically to corresponding WI in Fieldly

    • article expense report with predefined markup or discount is created

    • New articles are created in the the article register if they do not already exist.

  • If project number is missing - connection to WI has to be done manually

    • article expense report is created with predefined markup (or discount)

    • New articles are created in the the article register if they do not already exist.

  • All prices are imported excluding VAT

Note: It’s possible to edit number of articles in an expense report from EDI. Rights and setting may be needed

Order confirmation with specification of articles imported into Fieldlyt is supported by following suppliers:

  • Dahl

  • Ahlsell

  • Solar

  • Elektroskandia

  • Storel

  • Selga

  • Lundagrossisten

All other purchases need to go via supplier invoice from ERP data imported to Fieldly is limited to total amount (excl VAT) + supplier invoice - no article lines.

Purchases from Supplier Document can have “Markup on purchases” on different levels (company, client, wi, report and article)

Attaching supplier invoice PDF to Fieldly or ERP invoice

Supplier invoice must have been imported and connected in Fieldly. If not, it has to be attached manually e.g. in email when sending/exporting invoice

Duplicates of supplier invoices

It can happen that duplicates of a supplier invoice are imported to Fieldly.

  • Reason: Invoicing from both EDI and importing from ERP

  • Solution: “Blacklist” the supplier with duplicates from being imported to Fieldly (from Fortnox)

    • Done in Integrations =>Fortnox => Settings => Exclude supplier invoices from following suppliers

    • Supplier number has to be looked up in ERP

Notes to be integrated in documentation

The supplier EDI integration works like; When we receive the order response from the supplier, we import it as a "Order response" under "Supplier documents" and tie each row (expense report) to the connected WI. If user does not see a purchase then she has probably not received any order response or Fieldly has set up the integration with wrong "identifier" for the client.

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